Golfing Society Websites

Comprehensive online, golfing society management

Our Golfing Society Websites are designed to meet the very particular needs of Golfing Societies organisers. There are systems available for managing golf clubs but Golfing Society websites are not the same as a Golf Club websites. At net72 we understand these needs as most of us are members of Golfing Societies and some of us are involved in the running of Golfing Societies. Using our experience of Golfing Societies and our technical expertise, we have developed our Golf Society websites.

Societies using our technology

General Overview of Golfing Societies

Golfing Societies have meetings that are generally organised by the Society secretary. Members of the Society are invited to sign-up for the meeting and they need to pay. Managing meetings is a fairly straightforward process but these days tend to involve multiple emails, spreadsheets and chasing for cash or cheques on the day.

One of the peculiarities of Golfing Societies is Match Management. In a Golf Club, this is fairly easy; the secretary pins up a list on the noticeboard in the clubhouse and members express their interest by writing their names on the list. Clearly, a golf society does not have a clubhouse and the Golfing Society members can be spread far and wide. A further complication is that a Golfing Society, each match tends to have a Match Manager. The Match Manager is responsible for the fixture but generally doesn’t have the ability to contact all of the Golfing Society members.

Usually, the Golfing Society Secretary will put out a fixture list and then invite the members to express their interest in matches via email – a lot of work and a series of complicated spreadsheets later, the secretary sends out lists to the Match Managers. The Match Manager then has to manually transfer contact details and start to email those that have expressed their interest – all time consuming and often exasperating. Our Match Management Module takes all of the pain away. Golfing Society members just go to the Matches and Meeting section and express their interest with a single click. The Match Manager receives the request and a mailing list is built by the system so that the Match Manager can communicate right from the Golfing Society Website or from their normal email client.

Keeping the Golfing Society member information up to date is another bane of the secretary’s life – as people move home, change job, get a new email address or change their mobile phone. Our Member Management module helps simplify the issue – members each have a profile and they can log in and edit their own contact details keeping them up to date. The Golfing Society Member Directory also allows members of the Golfing Society to keep in touch with each other. The Member Directory is secure – you cannot view the details unless you are logged in. As well as that, some information is only available to the Secretary, other information can be selectively hidden by the individual members. The Member Directory works with the Matches and Meetings module so that the members don’t have to enter their details each time they express their interest in a match – the system automatically pre-populates the entry form.

Keeping in touch with Golfing Society members can be difficult and expensive. Our Golfing Society Email module lets you create mailing lists from the information in your Member Directory. You can create separate lists such as Match Managers, Team Members or Committee Members and email selectively to these groups – because the members can update their details in the Member Directory, you can be assured that you always have the right email address. When you send out an email, you will be able to see how many times the email is opened, how many links have been clicked, you can even see who has opened it or clicked.

Additional features of our Golfing Society Websites include a Society Shop where your members can order society items – they can pay online and have them delivered or they can pay in person at the next Match or Meeting and collect their items.