Match Management

For Golfing Societies that run matches, these are at the heart of The Society.

Up until recently, Match Management was a significant chore and primarily manual involving;

  • Creating a fixture list
  • Printing and posting the fixture list
  • Having a mechanism for members to enter fixtures
  • Collating the returns and distributing them to the Match Managers
  • Selecting the team and informing those selected
  • Managing reserves and drop-outs

Email made a huge change to the process but there was still a lot of involvement from the Hon. Sec.

Our Match Management module provides an elegant, streamlined solution that covers all aspects of match management; event creation, listing, booking and payment system and is driven by the Member Management module.

Matches & Meetings

Fixtures can be created individually or bulk-uploaded from a templated spreadsheet and include details such as;

  • Date and time
  • Location
  • Format of the match
  • Arrangements for catering
  • Dress code
  • Cost

Fixtures are then allocated in the system to the appropriate member for management: matches are allocated to Match Managers and meetings are generally allocated to the Hon. Sec. other events such as dinners can be allocated to the designated organiser.

Entering Matches & Meetings

Different types of fixtures require different information.


For a match, the information that the Match Manager needs is generally:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Handicap Index

The match booking form will automatically populate this information pulling it directly from the Member Directory. All the member has to do is click the button to put their name forward for the match.

When a member enters a match their entry is sent directly to the Match Manager (without having to go through the Hon. Sec.). Once the entry is received, the Match Manager to be able to select their Team using the tools on the system. Both the member and the Match Manager receive automated emails at each stage of the process.

When a member puts their name forward for a fixture

  • Their expression of interest is entered into a central database
  • The member receives an email confirming their selection is pending
  • The Match Manager receives an email saying an entry has been received.

The Match Manager can Select a player, Not Select a player or Make Reserve with appropriate emails being triggered.


For Meetings, the information required is different. A bespoke booking form can be added to collect additional information such as:

  • Preferred start time (early or late)
  • Foursomes partner
  • Dietary requirements

Meetings are generally set up so that anyone in The Society can enter subject to a maximum number of participants determined by the host Club.

When a member applies to play in a meeting a series of actions are triggered;

  • The booking is entered into a central database
  • The member receives an email confirming their entry is accepted
  • The meeting organiser receives an email saying an entry has been received.

Communication with Players

The Match Manager or Organiser can view their match or meeting and make changes (enhanced option) to it. They can see who has entered and if they have paid. They can then build CSV export of all bookings.

In the run-up to a fixture, automatic reminders can be set to be sent to those that have been selected and a list of the team or players sent to the Match Manager or Organiser.

The event manager can also send ad hoc emails to those users that have booked an event, it might be to firm up details, inform them of changes to the programme etc.

Edit the event

Match Managers can log in and edit the details of the fixture.